Yesterday, I had the opportunity to talk with third graders about
digital citizenship. I love talking about this topic with elementary
students because it is an easy age to influence them to
digital citizenship. I love talking about this topic with elementary
students because it is an easy age to influence them to
be good digital citizens. This year I changed my
"Digital Citizenship Toolbox" to have items that compliment the 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship. I want to reiterate the
importance of all of these elements throughout our students time
at our prek-12 school but third grade is when all 9 are introduced
(instead of focusing on one or two at a time.)
Digital Access: Advocating for equal digital rights and access
is where digital citizenship starts. *Object Lesson: Padlock and Equity/Equality Poster-
I explain the difference between equality and equity and how some
people in the world don't have access to things likewater or education
but also the internet. The padlock represents those of us who have
access but lock it down for our own use instead of sharing it with others.
My example was how our school recently invited another school over to
attend STEM lab time with a mix of fifth-grade students from both
schools so that the other school could have an experience with robotics
for the first time because those students do not have access to what our
students have access to.
Digital Etiquette: Rules and policies aren't enough- we need
to teach everyone about appropriate conduct online.
*Object Lesson: Toothpaste- I squirt out some toothpaste as
I'm talking about saying rude things to others. I then ask what
happens when you say "I'm sorry and I take it back?" Students
talk about how you forgive and I ask them "Do you forget?" I then
use my finger to try to get the toothpaste back into the tube that I
squeezed out. I talk about when we say rude things and try to take
them back that they never really ever go all the way back. The
toothpaste represents those rude things and the messiness of me
trying to get it back in the tube represents the repercussions of saying
things we can't really take back online.
I'm talking about saying rude things to others. I then ask what
happens when you say "I'm sorry and I take it back?" Students
talk about how you forgive and I ask them "Do you forget?" I then
use my finger to try to get the toothpaste back into the tube that I
squeezed out. I talk about when we say rude things and try to take
them back that they never really ever go all the way back. The
toothpaste represents those rude things and the messiness of me
trying to get it back in the tube represents the repercussions of saying
things we can't really take back online.
Digital Law: It's critical that users understand it is a crime to steal
or damage another's digital work, identity, or property.
*Object Lesson: Bagel Spreader- I talk about the role of a spreader
is to saturate a bagel. I talk about how digital law is part of all aspects
of digital identity or property. How we have a responsibility to respect
the work of others on the internet and not claim it as our own. I explain
how a photograph my sister took was on the internet and a company
took her photo without her permission and now uses it for their
advertisements. She received no payment or credit for her beautiful
photography but now the whole world can see it but no one knows
it belonged to her.
"How would that make you feel?"
Digital Communication: With so many communication options
available, users need to learn how to make appropriate decisions.
*Object Lesson: Permanent Marker- I talk about our digital
footprint and how the things we say have a long-lasting impact but
I also discuss how choosing the right method to communicate is
important because of the concept of permanence. Perhaps the
things you are saying are true but would it be better shared through
a direct message instead of a tweet for everyone to see?
Digital Literacy: We need to teach students how to learn
in a digital society.
*Object Lesson: Teacher ID Card- I show my school ID card
and talk about how technology can be integrated into learning. We
talk about the 4 C's- creation, consumption,curation, and connection
and how each of those can help them as learners. I also discuss
how each teacher has a responsibility to teach students how to
use technology wisely for educational purposes.
Digital Commerce: As users make more purchases online, they
must understand how to be effective consumers in a digital
*Object Lesson: Credit Card- I show the credit card and explain to
them that it is fast and easy to order things online. It is a great way
to get the exact things you want quickly but you also have to be aware
that the easiness of buying online can sometimes get people in trouble
with overspending. I then talk about how students shouldn't buy
anything online without their parents' permission- including
gaming upgrades.
Digital Rights and Responsibilities: We must inform people of
their basic digital rights to privacy, freedom of speech, etc.
*Object Lesson: Passport- I show the passport and ask them what
it is. Once someone says a "United States" passport, I talk about the
rights and responsibilities I have as a U.S. citizen and then we connect
that to the rights and responsibilities they have as digital citizens. I also
explain that every single time they go online, they become a digital
Digital Safety and Security: Digital citizens need to know how to protect
their information from outside forces that might cause harm.
*Object Lesson: Toothbrush- Would you use a toothbrush that
someone else just used? No, because their "slobber and germs" are all
over it- it's personal. Passwords and personal information should be
treated the same way. Protect yourself online so that others won't have
access to your "slobber, germs, address, etc." because once they have it,
it will never be the same.
Digital Health and Wellness: From physical issues, such as repetitive
stress syndrome, to psychological issues, such as internet addiction,
users should understand the health risks of technology.
*Object Lesson: Ball of String- I ask for 3 volunteers and I ask each
to hold onto a portion of the string. As they grab it, I wrap it around them
once and talk about how connected we can become on the internet due
to social media and it can cause both good and bad feelings. While talking,
I wrap the end of the string around myself multiple times until I am
"trapped" and I talk about internet addiction and how it can control us.
I also talk to them about creating boundaries to prevent this from happening.
must understand how to be effective consumers in a digital
*Object Lesson: Credit Card- I show the credit card and explain to
them that it is fast and easy to order things online. It is a great way
to get the exact things you want quickly but you also have to be aware
that the easiness of buying online can sometimes get people in trouble
with overspending. I then talk about how students shouldn't buy
anything online without their parents' permission- including
gaming upgrades.
Digital Rights and Responsibilities: We must inform people of
their basic digital rights to privacy, freedom of speech, etc.
*Object Lesson: Passport- I show the passport and ask them what
it is. Once someone says a "United States" passport, I talk about the
rights and responsibilities I have as a U.S. citizen and then we connect
that to the rights and responsibilities they have as digital citizens. I also
explain that every single time they go online, they become a digital
Digital Safety and Security: Digital citizens need to know how to protect
their information from outside forces that might cause harm.
*Object Lesson: Toothbrush- Would you use a toothbrush that
someone else just used? No, because their "slobber and germs" are all
over it- it's personal. Passwords and personal information should be
treated the same way. Protect yourself online so that others won't have
access to your "slobber, germs, address, etc." because once they have it,
it will never be the same.
Digital Health and Wellness: From physical issues, such as repetitive
stress syndrome, to psychological issues, such as internet addiction,
users should understand the health risks of technology.
*Object Lesson: Ball of String- I ask for 3 volunteers and I ask each
to hold onto a portion of the string. As they grab it, I wrap it around them
once and talk about how connected we can become on the internet due
to social media and it can cause both good and bad feelings. While talking,
I wrap the end of the string around myself multiple times until I am
"trapped" and I talk about internet addiction and how it can control us.
I also talk to them about creating boundaries to prevent this from happening.
This idea was adapted from “Essential Elements of Digital Citizenship” and Craig Badura’s blog post on Digital Citizenship Toolbox
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